Try New Things, They Might Be Better
Are you stuck in your ways without even realising? Even if you think you’re innovative and open to something new, quite often you can get comfortable with certain ways of doing things. Although I’m constantly talking about the importance of consistency in marketing, you also need to keep on top of new things. Just not spending all your days doing so!
The best way I’ve found is NOT to get distracted by new and shiny things throughout the day. Instead, just make a note of them and add any websites etc to look at later. Then dedicate some time each week/month for having a proper look at this list.
The only thing to be careful of is not changing everything all the time. You need to have some stability so I just tend to try one new thing at a time. Sometimes new things don’t work out and aren’t as good as the promotional video said! But when they do it can work wonders for your productivity, freeing up time, and enjoyment of tasks.
For example, I recently changed the software I use for editing videos. It’s something I’d put off as it was a big change but I’d been recommended some different editing software (DaVinci Resolve if you’re interested) a number of times. Now I’m using it, I’m finding editing videos so much easier, quicker, more enjoyable, and the end result is better! So this will ultimately improve my own marketing :)
What new thing has made the biggest difference to you recently?
Ten Minute Marketing — Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!
P.S. If you want daily marketing training, that takes a maximum of just 10 minutes a day, head to the website or just reply to this message for more information about my Ten Minute Marketing Club.