The Best Way to Handle Social Media Leads
Welcome to 1 Minute Marketing Monday! This week’s tip is the best way to handle any leads that come to you from social media.
I often see someone put a call out on social media for a product or service they are actively looking to buy. What then follows is a whole load of responses from people who provide that product/service along the lines of “I can do this, get in touch”.
What a wasted opportunity! The quickest and best way to deal with these is to go old school and phone them. Within a couple of clicks you can easily get their number so do so. This proactive approach works so much better than just being another faceless response to a social media post. They’ve already said they want what you have, so why make them do the work to buy from you!? Make it easy for people.
Ten Minute Marketing — Successfully market your small business. In just 10 minutes a day!
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