My September Blog Challenge
I’m a big believer that the more you practice something, the better you get at it. I recently went on holiday for a week and decided to combine that with getting better at videography, and in particular, the editing afterwards.
As the holiday went on, I got better at only filming the footage I needed, and thinking about shots in advance, and how the final video could use this footage. My editing skills not only improved, but I became much much faster at it.
By the end of week, I was able to edit in half the time compared to when I started, and the end result was better. Here’s my YouTube channel if you want to take a look at some of these videos
In a similar vein, I want to improve my writing skills, so I’ve set myself the challenge of writing a new blog every day throughout September. I’ve not yet decided whether I’ll be blogging at the weekend too, or just stick to Monday to Friday, this will mainly be dictated by my children I think.
These blogs are going to be about absolutely anything and everything. Yes, I’ll be writing things that I hope are of use and value to other people, but I’m really going to be doing this writing for me. The aim is to get better, so I think it’s going to be interesting to see whether there’s a difference from now, and the end of the month.
A good friend of mine, Philip Dodson, has partly inspired this, so do take a look at his blog here . Philip has been writing and publishing a blog every day for well over a year now, and I’ve seen a huge improvement in his writing. I’m hoping to follow suit! :)
I also think that accountability to others is a real help with focus and productivity. So if you see I’ve not published a new blog by lunchtime each day, feel free to nudge/ridicule me ;) And if you fancy joining me with this September challenge. Just drop me a message and I’ll help keep you in check too.